Grid-Tied or Off-Grid Solar Panel System: Which one is better ?

Grid-tied and off-grid solar systems are the two main types available for purchase. Grid-tied solar, as the name implies, refers to solar panel systems that are connected to the grid, while off-grid solar involves solar systems that are not tied to the grid. There are many choices to make when installing a solar power system in your home. You want to make an informed choice because you will be investing a significant amount of money in residential solar. It is important to consider the pros and cons of both grid-tied and off-grid solar so you can determine the system that will best meet your goals.
What is a Grid-Tied Solar Energy System?
Solar power is produced by solar panels in a grid-connected system. When a home needs more electricity, the excess energy is transferred to the utility grid, which is used to feed additional energy. The solar panel system is connected to transfer electricity between the solar panels, the house, and the grid. The solar panels are installed where there is proper sunlight – usually on the roof, although other places, such as your backyard, wall mounts, are also possible.
Grid-tie inverters are essential for grid-tied solar systems. A grid-connected inverter controls the flow of electricity in a residential solar system. It first sends energy to power your home and then outputs any excess energy to the grid. In addition, they do not have any solar cell storage system. As a result, grid-tied solar systems are more affordable and easier to install.
What is an Off Grid-Tied Solar Panel System?
A solar panel system that generates electricity to be stored in solar cells and operates off the grid is called an off-grid solar system. These technologies promote off-grid living, a way of life that focuses on sustainability and energy independence. Rising costs for food, fuel, energy, and other needs have made “off-grid” living more popular recently. As the price of electricity has risen over the past decade, more people are looking for alternative sources of energy for their homes. Solar energy is a reliable and environmentally friendly source of energy that you can use to power your house off-grid. However, off-grid solar systems require different components than grid-connected (also known as grid-tied) systems.
 The Advantages of an Off Grid Solar System
1. No high electric bills: If you have an off-grid system, your utility company will never send you an energy bill.
2. Electricity independence: You will produce 100% of the electricity you use.
3. No power outages: If there is a problem with the grid, your off-grid system will still function. In the event of a power outage, your home will stay bright.
4. Reliable energy in remote or rural areas: Some remote or rural areas are not connected to the grid. In these cases, electricity is provided by an off-grid system.
 The Disadvantages of an Off Grid Solar System
1. Higher price: Off-grid systems have significant requirements and may end up costing more than grid-connected systems.
2. Limited state permits: In some places, it may be against the law to turn off your electricity. Before investing in an off-grid solar system, make sure your home is located in one of these areas.
3. Poor resistance to inclement weather: If it rains or is cloudy for a few days where you are, you will consume your stored electricity and lose power.
4. Not eligible for net metering plans: Off-grid systems limit your ability to take advantage of net metering plans, or to use grid power if your battery storage runs out. As a result, off-grid solar is very risky for most consumers.
The Advantages of Grid-Tied Solar System


Grid-tied systems are often the lower-cost option because they do not require batteries and other equipment.
This type of system is great for those who don’t have the space or money to install a solar system large enough to cover 100% of their energy use. You can continue to draw power from the grid if needed
Net metering allows the power generated by the solar system to offset the power used from the grid at night or on cloudy days.
The grid becomes your low-cost, reliable storage solution. In some areas, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) allow owners of grid-connected systems to earn additional revenue by selling the SRECs generated by their systems.
The Disadvantages of Grid-Tied Solar System
If the grid fails, your system will shut down, leaving you without power. This is to prevent energy from being fed back into the grid for the safety of utility workers. Your grid-tied system will automatically shut down when the grid goes down and automatically turn back on when power is restored.
You are not completely independent of the grid!
Which One is Better?
For most people, a grid-tied solar system is a reliable investment that provides security and predictability for their business, farm, or home. Grid-tied solar systems have a shorter payback period and fewer parts to replace in the future. Off-grid solar systems are a great option for some cabins and more isolated areas, however, at this time of year it is difficult for off-grid systems to compete with the ROI of grid-tied systems.

Post time: Jul-07-2023