The Benefits of Residential Solar

Using solar energy in your home will provide many benefits and produce clean energy for decades to come. You can use solar energy by purchasing a system, through solar financing or other options. There are many factors to consider when thinking about going solar. Perhaps you can look at how solar can save you money, reduce your impact on the environment, increase your property value, and the additional benefits of installing rooftop solar on your home.

Solar Energy Leads to Big Cost Savings
Solar offers great potential for saving money on your monthly utility bills, and with utility bills trending upward, solar may still be a great money-saving option for years to come. The amount you save depends on how much electricity you use, the size of your solar system, and how much power it can produce. You can also opt for a leased, third-party owned system that allows homeowners to place a solar system on their roof and buy back the electricity generated at a reduced rate, which is not only typically lower than what the utility company charges customers, but also locks in the price of electricity for years.
Solar energy creates a healthier local environment
By not relying on your local utility company for power, you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. As homeowners in your area go solar, fewer fossil fuels will be burned, utilized, and ultimately pollute the environment. By going solar in your home, you will reduce local pollution and help create a healthier local environment, while contributing to a healthier planet.

Solar panels require very little maintenance
Since solar panels have a lifespan of 30 years or more, you may be asking, “What are the maintenance requirements for my solar panels?” This leads us to the next advantage of using solar energy – solar panels are very easy to maintain, requiring little or no maintenance each year. This is because solar panels do not have any moving parts and therefore are not easily damaged. There is no need for weekly, monthly, or even annual maintenance after your solar panels are installed. For most panels, the only maintenance required is cleaning debris and dust from the panels to ensure that sunlight can reach the panels. For areas that receive little to moderate rainfall during the year, the rainfall will clean the panels and no other maintenance or cleaning is required. For areas with very little rainfall or areas with high dust levels, cleaning twice a year may help improve yields. Typically, solar panels are mounted at an angle, so leaves and other debris will usually slide off the panels without causing an obstruction.
Solar systems work in all climates


Solar panels need only one thing to generate electricity — sunlight! Even in winter, when there are fewer hours of sunlight, there is still enough sunlight to power an average home. This makes solar energy viable even in Alaska, where winters are longer and colder. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) works to ensure that solar panels can stand up to the elements no matter where they are. SETO funds five regional test centers across the country – each in a different climate – to ensure that panels perform optimally in any climate or weather.

You can keep the lights on when the power grid goes out
Generating your own power allows you to keep the lights on even when the power goes out. Residential solar systems paired with battery storage – often referred to as solar plus storage systems – can provide power regardless of the weather or time of day without having to rely on grid backup. As improvements in battery technology and financial incentives for energy storage take effect, the decision to invest in battery storage makes sense for more homes across the country.

Post time: Jun-27-2023